Quick start

How to get your OpenAI key

Register a free account at OpenAI (https://platform.openai.com). Under “API keys” select “Create new secret key”. 

Follow the instruction and select the following options:

  • Owned by: You
  • Name: [Any] optional
  • Project: [Default/Any]
  • Permissions: All


  • You require OpenAI credits to use their API. Check you balance under in Setting > Billing.
  • Keys are stored locally on your laptop/compute once you configured it. For security reasons, it is not recommended to share keys.


(typeUp is not affiliated with any LLM provider, in the future I will add support for other services TBC… and possibly local model support)

Get started

Run an example of the typeUp generate feature using the command below:

@text[prompt: give me 10 ideas for a marketing campaign , words: 10, context: (2, 4)]



Type commands follow a strict syntax, using the wrong commands and symbols will result in errors or the function not running all together. Note, that depending on the amount of commands you are processing, it can take a several minutes to run your (e.g. 20+ commands that include document retrieval)

typeUp currently uses “gpt-4-turbo”


NOTE: When using typeUp professionally, ensure info can be shared with OpenAI.



Entry function used to access type commands. NOTE: square brackets required. Inside the brackets functions must be separated by commas.



Main LLM instruction, given to LLM. Clear, and specific instructions create in better results. IMPORTANT: commas (“,”) are not permitted in instructions because the symbol is reserved for separating commands. 



Specify how many words LLM should respond with (must be greater than 1)



Sends content of specified slides alongside prompt as context to force LLM to create better response. Can be value of ‘slide’, ‘all’, or a list of integers e.g. (2, 5, 6)



Specify name of thread to reference to access LLM conversation context. Select gear icon (“⛭” ) to find and manage threads.


@text[prompt: write an action title for this slide, words: 10, context: (4)]

@text[prompt: give me Apples top 3 key initiatives to grow next quarter, words: 80, thread: Apple earnings call]

@text[prompt: summarise the key problems the client wants to solve in their call for marketing agencies, and come up with 5 good ways our service can help, words: 200, thread: marketing agency briefing doc, context: (4, 9, 12, 24)]